Thursday, October 16, 2008

Starting School Again?

I've signed up for continuing education classes at the University of Dayton. The classes that I've signed up for will go towards being a certified catechist. Should prove to be interesting. I'll keep you posted.

Starting school again? It's not really so much as starting again as much as it is continuous learning. When do we ever stop learning? In my line of work (the computer industry) there is constant learning and updating all of the time. And with the bible and church, there is always a yearning to learn more. No matter how many times I've studied something bible related, there always seems to be another layer, facet to look at. Like looking at an expensive diamond, it is beautiful from a distance, but becomes more brilliant when inspected under light and even more so when examined with a magnifying glass. That is how I like to approach things. First a broad look and then to start uncovering layers and to "dive deep" in to the subject all together.

So, please pray for me that this next endeavor goes well and is fruitful.

Mike Leach