Thursday, November 13, 2008


I recently finished up my first continuing education class at the University of Dayton. The class was actually an online seminar. It was an introduction to the General Directory of Catechesis. There were about 6 students in my class and we were required to post a certain amount of times on the class discussion board. It was really good to share ideas with people from different parts of the country.

Today, Maddie didn't feel well enough to dance :-( . So I brought her home and the rest of the kids :-). Lori even was allowed to leave work early :-) yea an early evening with the whole family :-)

I ran 3 miles today with some guys at work. whew. I was tired after the run, but feel great now. I have a piece of flair on my flair board that says "Running is cheaper than Prozac". It really is.

While I'm typing this post up, I can hear my children at the kitchen table playing with clay. They are having a great time and getting along. :-) Life is good.

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